Droit des affaires internationales
- Debt collection: debt collection is one of the firm’s privileged areas of intervention. SMSH has established partnerships with Saudi firms specializing in business law and intervenes for the recovery of unpaid invoices in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries.
- The firm provides legal advice to support investors from Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia, wishing to invest and/or to settle in France.
- With its branch in the Comoros and its partners’ network in Africa and in the Gulf countries, SMSH also provides support to French professionals (VSBs, SMBs, start-ups, freelancers, etc.) wishing to set up in the Comoros and in Saudi Arabia.
- The firm provides assistance in amicable settlements of disputes and in arbitration matters.
- For several years, the firm has developed a well-known expertise in commercial leases. The firm assists its clients in assessing and setting rents during negotiations and drafting of leases, and offers them support in the application of the statute, lease renewal, eviction, transfer and dispute matters.
- Reputed for the quality of its expertise in business assets, the firm is involved in business assets’ sales, negotiations, eviction procedures and dispute resolution.
- With a solid experience in advice and dispute resolution, the firm advises and assists professionals regarding commercial contracts.
Droit commercial
Droit des sociétés
- Reputed for the quality of its skills, the firm offers support to foreign investors and helps them make investments in France: company creation, company buyout and real estate investments.
- The firm advises entrepreneurs throughout their businesses’ life cycle (company creation, choosing a corporate form, holding ordinary meetings for accounts approval, increases in capital, acquisitions, partial transfers of assets, etc.)
The defense of foreigners and nationality law disputes constituted the firm’s main activities for several years. The firm has developed a solid expertise in providing support and advice to people moving to France. Nationality law is a privileged area of intervention for the firm.
- The firm supports foreigners in their administrative procedures (regularization, entry to France, status change, naturalization).
- The firm represents and defends clients before administrative courts against residence refusal decisions and Obligation to Leave French Territory (OQTF).
- The firm defends its clients against naturalization applications refusal or adjournment decisions.
- The firm uses its expertise in all areas concerning advice and dispute related to French nationality.
Droit des étrangers et de la nationalité
Droit de la sécurité sociale
- The firm assists and advises professionals (VSBs, SMBs, traders, craftspeople, etc.) in URSSAF disputes.
- The firm has acquired an expertise in advising and defending professionals in concealed labor disputes.
- The firm has a considerable expertise in the area of physical harm compensation.
- The firm assists its clients who fall victim to accidents (traffic accident, domestic accident, medical accident) to obtain a fair compensation for their losses.
Droit de la réparation du préjudice corporel
Droit pénal
- The firm is involved in emergency criminal defense (police custody, immediate appearance).
- The firm assists and defends its clients before criminal courts.
Le cabinet SMSH Avocat propose une offre de service complète à tous les acteurs du monde des transports maritimes et aériens :
- Contrat d’affrètement de navire, contrat d’affrètement d’aéronef
- Contrat des transports
- Assurances maritimes
- Assurance aviation
- Négociation des contrats de concession des terminaux portuaires ;
- Conseils auprès des acteurs portuaires ;
- Accès & exercice des professions ;
- Règles de sous-traitance ;
- Rupture brutale des relations établies ;
- Règles de calcul des prix ;
- Compliance ;
- Réglementations spécifiques : marchandises dangereuses,
- transport et transfert transfrontalier de déchets, etc. ;
- contrats ;
- Responsabilité civile, administrative et pénale.
Le Cabinet SMSH Avocat accompagne également les chargeurs dans les processus de mise en place des chaines logistiques (contrats, procédures, compliance).